5 Natural Anti-Depressants

Not every case of depression is going to warrant or require anti-depressants. While seeing your GP is recommended for seeking help when you need it, be aware that there are many natural products available that may be able to help you through a particularly dark patch in your life. When you see your GP for depression-related symptoms, ask if the following five natural products may benefit you.

1. St John’s Wort
St John’s Wort is a tricky herbal supplement because there are so many rules and regulations associated with its use. While it’s a common method of treatment for depression in Europe, it’s not approved in the US. However, some people find it has been beneficial for the treatment of mild to medium levels of depression.

Even though its benefits may be far-reaching for some, it comes with just as many health warnings. It should not be taken by those who are already using anti-depression medication, or those on HIV or AIDS medication, birth control, chemotherapy treatment, blood thinning drugs, or by those who have received an organ transplant.

2. Exercise
While it’s not a herbal remedy or something you can buy in a bottle or pick from a plant, it is a valid anti-depressant. Exercise can deliver more oxygen to your brain for better brain and physical health, while also encouraging better connectivity in the brain. What’s more, it targets the same neurotransmitters as anti-depressants do, regulating them and helping with depression. Where possible, try to exercise outdoors.


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